Belfast Recovery College - Creative Writing for Personal Development

Belfast Recovery College
The aim of this course is to enable, empower and connect students to positives
within their recovery journey. Through the shared practical experience of writing
exercises, relaxation, poetry and music students will gain an insight into living
with their own recovery journey. It will be discussed from an educational and lived
perspective. This course is open to those who want to work on Recovery or personal
development and does not require any experience of creative writing.
(Duration of course: 8 weeks at 2hrs per week)
This course is free of charge.
If you'd like to attend download the enrolment form below, fill it in and send it back to us either by email or post to us, using the contact details below.
- Education/training
- Health and wellbeing
Date and Time
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Belfast Central Library,
Royal Ave
United Kingdom
Contact Details
Belfast Recovery College
Lanyon Building
10 North Derby Street
BT15 3HL