Art & Culture
Annual Pantomine: Snow White & The 7 Dwarfs

South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust
Adults: £7 Children: £5. Family Discount: 4 tickets £20

The South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust presents Snow White & The 7 Dwarfs.
When? 31 January & 1 February 2019, 7pm
2 February 2019, 2pm & 7pm
Where? Recreation Hall, Quality Improvement & Innovation Centre, Trust HQ, Ulster Hospital
Tickets are available from Hospital Shop or Inpatient Ward Block Cafe.
Also available off site at Spar, Comber Road, Dundonald.
Proceeds to Kiwoko Project & The South Eastern Mental Health Recovery College.
Many staff members from across the trust are involved in the production.
Date and Time
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Trust Headquarters
Upper Newtownards Road
BT16 1RH
United Kingdom