Age Verification - E-Learning/Online Course

Trainsafe UK

Who is this course for?
There is a lawful requirement for every licensed premises to make sure that they have an age verification policy relating to the supply of alcohol on their premises. This online age verification training course enables you to complete the legal requirement by providing you with a “model age verification policy” and by detailing each of the procedures you need to follow in order to verify the age and I.D. of younger and younger looking customers.
Learning Outcomes
Current law on age verification for alcohol sales
How to go about challenging for proof of age
Exactly what a policy on age verification should say
How to make the decision to ask for proof of age
Explaining why you are asking for a proof of age
Identifying which proofs of age are and are not acceptable
Some common conflict scenarios
Procedures for putting the policy into practice
Refusing a proxy sale of alcohol
How you should deal with an angry or abusive customer who won’t take no for an answer
Techniques to adopt if the customer won’t accept a refusal to serve
Your exit from a high-risk situation
The consequences for failing to implement a policy on age verification for the sale of alcohol.
Benefits of Online/E-Learning
- Flexible learning at your convenience
- No deadlines
- Cost effective
- Fast easy access
- Certificate given on completion of course
***We have a wide range of other online courses from Customer Service to Health & Safety, ranging from an introductory level to an advanced level.***
- Education/training
- Health and wellbeing
- Men
- Volunteer development
- Women
- Young people