Would you like to be able to manage conflict more effectively?

Learn how to manage conflict more effectively by signing up to the WEA's one day workshop - Managing Conflict on Wednesday 9 November from 10am-4.30pm at the WEA Office, 3 Fitzwilliam Street, Belfast.

Conflict happens all around us and is part of our lives - in personal relationships, in families, in workplaces, in neighbourhoods and in communities.  Learning to manage conflict more effectively is one of the most useful life skills that any of us can acquire.  Conflict managed well can lead to strengthened relationships and an increased willingness and confidence to work co-operatively.  During this workshop you will learn how to use the 8 essential steps to dealing with conflict as well as understanding what conflict is and what causes it.

Cost:  £100 (private/statutory groups)   £80 (community/voluntary groups)

To book a place please contact Kelly Barbour at the WEA on T: 02890 329718 or E: [email protected]


Last updated 12 years ago