Promoting Positivity for Little People - 5 discounted places available on October course!

Does your Group work with children? Interested in promoting positive mental health, developing self-esteem and increasing self-confidence in children? Then, why not train as a Happy Chappies Programme Facilitator? Five places available at £295!!

Happy Chappies Programme launched - Promoting Positivity for Little People  


We are currently seeking individuals or representatives from organisations who would like to become Happy Chappies Programme Facilitators, and become trained  to offer this exciting, unique programme to children.

This programme developed by StressLess Solutions is unique to Northern Ireland and is being launched this year with our first training to be held in October.

 Through the Happy Chappies Programme, facilitators deliver fun, interactive classes for children between the ages of 2 and 11.  Our aim is to develop children’s self-confidence, improve their self esteem, and teach them valuable life skills.

 We have developed the Programme from research and extensive experience of working with adults on stress management and relaxation techniques, through which it became obvious that a lot of the stress related issues we see in our adult population could be avoided by working with children to teach them simple, yet highly effective relaxation tools.

 The Programme follow a simple format of energising games and activities to stimulate children’s imagination, yoga based exercises to stretch and strengthen the body, and relaxation stories to encourage a sense of calm.  We also focus on positive self talk throughout our classes to banish negative thought patterns and counteract the negativity which bombards our children in their daily lives. Through the Programme, children will not realise they are learning valuable tools for life while simply having fun.

 If you would like to deliver this Programme in your Group, we would love to have the opportunity to discuss this exciting programme and its benefits for children with you.

5 subsidised places available at £295 per person with a second place for the same Group available at £195.

Our Training Course will be held in Belfast on 20th & 21st October

Check out our website:

Contact Us:

TEL: 028 90436602

EMAIL: [email protected]

Last updated 11 years 8 months ago