Tackling poverty and assessing the impact of proposed welfare reform in Northern Ireland

Policy Forum for Northern Ireland
This timely conference focuses on welfare reform and, in separate discussion, on policy to reduce poverty in Northern Ireland.
Guest of Honour: Tommy O’Reilly, Chief Executive, Social Security Agency, Department for Social Development
This timely conference will be divided into two sessions and will examine the impact of proposed welfare reform as well as the future for policy to reduce poverty in Northern Ireland.
Delegates will also assess the impact in Northern Ireland of the possible introduction of UK wide welfare reform - including universal credit, the Personal Independence Payment, a benefits cap, and changes to Housing Benefit and Employment and Support Allowances - which are outlined in the Welfare Reform Billcurrently under deliberation by the Northern Ireland Assembly and the Northern Ireland Executive, as well as how reform can be effectively managed.
Further sessions will also assess the progress and remaining challenges for anti-poverty measures in the region, in the context of the OFMDFM’s Delivering Social Change framework.
The seminar will bring together key policymakers with stakeholders including local council representatives, employers, academics, trade unions, as well as housing associations, social work and support professionals, charities and other interested parties.
We are delighted that Tommy O’Reilly, Chief Executive, Social Security Agency, Department for Social Development; Quintin Oliver, Northern Ireland Adviser, Joseph Rowntree Foundation and Director, Stratagem NI and a senior representative from the Department for Social Development have agreed to deliver keynote addresses at the seminar.
Les Allamby, Chief Commissioner, The Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission; Clark Bailie, Chief Executive, Northern Ireland Housing Executive; Dr Esmond Birnie, Chief Economist, Northern Ireland and Scotland, PwC; Kevin Doherty, Chief Executive Officer, Disability Action; Siobhan Fitzpatrick, Chief Executive Officer, Early Years; Kieran Harding, Managing Director, Business in the Community; Tina McKenzie, Managing Director, EOS NI; Paddy Mooney, Director, Include Youth andBob Stronge, Chief Executive, Advice NI have also agreed to speak at this seminar.
Mike Nesbitt MLA, Leader, Ulster Unionist Party and Chair, Committee for the Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister has kindly agreed to chair part of this seminar.
Please note: as Executive agreement has not been reached on issues surrounding welfare, the focus and content of the seminar is subject to change.
Date and Time
United Kingdom