
Protecting the Rights of Children with ASD

childrens law centre

Children's Law Centre

Cost: Community/Student/Carer/Pupil: £18 Voluntary CLC member: £38 Voluntary CLC non-member: £45
Kid boy holding a puzzle heart signifying world autism day

This practical course will include discussion on the legal duties towards children with autistic spectrum disorder within education, health and social care, with a focus upon a robust children’s rights-based approach. We’ll examine recent case law and provide guidance on the SEN assessment, statementing and appeals processes as well as considering the current policy directives and their impact on children and young people.

This course will be of benefit to legal advisors, judiciary, parents and carers, teachers, principals, SENCOs and teaching assistants in mainstream and special needs education, youth workers and youth advocates in the voluntary, statutory and community sector, Boards of Governors and health and social care practitioners.


Delivered by:

Shirelle Stewart, Director, National Autistic Society

Rachel Hogan, SEND Specialist Advisor, CLC

Eamonn McNally, Senior Solicitor, CLC

Tickets and info:

  • Children and families
  • Disability
  • Education/training
  • Young people

Date and Time

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127-131 Ormeau Road
United Kingdom

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Contact Details

Paul Hamilton