
Dance Picnic

Echo Echo Dance Theatre Company

Echo Echo Dance Theatre Company

Cost: £3

The Dance Picnic is an Echo Echo tradition. This is the place where everyone has the chance to do two wonderful things.

Firstly, to dance simple interactive improvisations and circle dances together, and secondly, though no less importantly, to eat nice things. This is an event for all ages and all abilities. Come along with your Dad, your Granny, your toddler, your football team or just on your own. From experience we can say that it doesn’t matter whether you are a professional dancer or four year old ninja turtle or one of those people who always claims to have two left feet. You’ll have lots of fun and you’ll have the pleasure of being told what to do by the marvellous Janie Doherty, encouraged and assisted by several other “Echoes”.

Date and Time


Echo Echo Studios, Waterloo House
Hangman's Bastion, Magazine Street
Derry - Londonderry
bt48 6hh
United Kingdom

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